Holy Name Society:
Is an organization of men from our parish who, in addition to keeping spirituality as a main focus, offer many fundraising events to aid the parish. The Holy Name Society meets on the third Wednesday of the month.
St. Anne Sodality:
Is our parish’s women’s organization, whose main focus is also spiritual. This group of women meet on the first Tuesday of the month. St. Anne Sodality plays a large part in keeping our parish alive.
Rosary Society:
Is a group of parishioners who meet every weeknight during the months of May and October to pray for the needs of the community.
Prayer Shawl Ministry:
Is a group of parishioners who knit or crochet shawls for men and women. While most of this work is done at home, the group meets regularly to pray over the shawls that are then distributed to women, men and children who are dealing with health issues.
Religious Education:
This is a group of dedicated men and women who prepare for and present lessons to children of all ages as they prepare to receive the Sacraments.
Altar Server Society:
These young people of our parish from grade 3 and up assist our Pastor at the altar of the Lord.
This ministry to proclaim the Word of God to the faithful assembled in church is carried out by parishioners who volunteer to help our parish in this way.
Food Closet Ministry:
This ministry exists to help the parish in their effort to feed those in the community who are experiencing difficulty in providing food for themselves and their families. Parishioners donate canned and non-perishable food items to the food pantry on a regular basis.