Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Any student in 3rd grade through high school is invited to participate in this ministry of service at the Altar for weekend and Holy Day liturgies. This is a great opportunity for our young people to draw deeper into their faith as they assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  If you are interest, please call Father Peter.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

These are adult members of the parish who assist in the distribution of the Eucharist. Communion Ministers can also distribute Holy Communion to those in nursing homes or those unable to attend Mass, thereby providing love, support and care to others.  There are guidelines that must be met to become an Extraordinary Minister.  Please contact Father Peter.


A lector is a parishioner who proclaims the first and second readings during the Sunday Mass and special liturgies, as well as weekly announcements. The ministry of the lector is vital to the life of our parish.  It is through the lector that the Word of God is proclaimed (comes alive).  Being a lector is a commitment to your faith and your parish.  Lectors are scheduled on a rotating basis, approximately once or twice a month.  Please contact Father Peter for more information.

Ministers of Hospitality/Ushers

The Minister of Hospitality is the first ministry that one encounters as one enters the church for the celebration of Mass; our central and primary celebration as a Catholic worshiping community.

As a Minister of Hospitality, one greets those who are entering the church with a warm welcome.  The welcome can take the shape of an open door, a handshake or a simple smile.  Whether it be a word or a gesture in silence, it is a moment where those who are entering feel welcomed.

The Minister of Hospitality assists people who are physically challenged to find a seat .  These ministers will assist with the collection and also handing out of the parish bulletin at the conclusion of Mass.

Anyone who desires to extend a feeling of warmth and welcome is invited to become a Minister of Hospitality.  The one requirement for this ministry is that one be able to be warm and welcoming to all those who desire to enter into our worship celebration and to fed at the Table of the Lord.

Please contact Father Peter for more information.